I'm going on a cruise~
Checking in...
On the ship~
Thursday~on our way to Redang...
Here we are~at Redang..
We left at around 5~6pm ...
Went back to the ship...and we ate and ate and ate again~
ahaha since it's the last night already...
of course it's logical that we used up our dining credit too...
Then went to support the SSV show band for the second night!
And I made a special dedication to my special one =)
We ate again! finished up our 6 free meals...
and then...
We went for the Jackpot Bingo...and we caught very funny video~ahahaha
I told them we shouldn't sit in the front row...
especially when we know there will be a special performance later...
my instinct was right hahaha
And Darling asks if that's my laughter...I think it is!! hahahaha
Ain't I sound sooooooooooo happy??? hahahaha
Okay that's about it!
A meaningful trip before my school starts =D
arhhhh...actually it wasn't a romantic day too.
haha after the meal...slack around again.
Then listen to darling's spidey talk...
Went out at 5pm to collect darling's car at the Nissan service center...
How I just love car showroom because you always get free and tasty cappucino
Then we spent almost an hour at the lounge to take photo! Geez!
Then drove our way to have our dinner at Siglap area...Bedok food center there.
Had pratas and combo platter...costs less than $20! =D
We are going the budget way =) and the food tastes as good!
After dinner...
darling drove me to a "secret pond" somewhere in the middle of Changi industrial park.
it was indeed...very quiet, very secret...hahaha
And you can see loads and loads of stars and planes
An ideal place for make out =P
Reached home at around 10pm.
so...this is how we spent our 1st month anniversary together.
sph又来提醒我关于“七年很Young” 的文章。。
I got my week fully scheduled!! except for friday...haha
Tmr meeting darling for dinner..
Saturday meeting my cousins for KTV...
and then meeting angie for shopping spree...
then sunday meeting darling againz