Must be very stressed up at work…Decided to cut my fringe and got myself accessorized with a pair of black-framed glasses. Totally unglam. Totally.
=/ I know it’s actually time to get a new phone…or rather a SMART phone!
Yes, I’m totally lagging behind and unbelievably slow in catching up with the technology.
Cause I just thought that phones are meant to use for calling wat… But I guess my antique phone needs to rest in peace very soon…So…
People have been asking me if I’ve grown fatter. With this kind of boyfriend, logically, how can I get any slimmer?
It was our random anniversary 2 days back, and we decided to have a feast at a hotel! I have always been bugging him to bring me to a fine dining… =/ speak about fine dining…I think buffet suited us more?
So he brought me to Melt – The World Cafe at Marina Oriental Hotel. Yes…The word “Cafe” doesn’t make it sound expensive, you must be thinking…
It serves international buffet, ranging from Japanese sushi, Indian Naan, Italian pasta, Thai cold dishes to Oceanic seafood…
I could have posted more pictures! But the people around us look so ATAS*mostly ang mohs in fact* made me feel so mountain turtle if I were to keep snapping pictures of food.
Personally speaking, I don’t think the food is awesomely fantastic, but I’m a person who loves variety! Especially love those seafood lying on the ice…Regretted not having more lobster sashimi =( *blame it on the fried food and grills* Their grills like satays are good too…tender and juicy but of course, you can find better stuff at the hawker I thought…
Their sushi can be better *side tracked – accidentally dropped a sushi into their pot of soy sauce haha! So embarrassing*
And I’m regretting the fact that I didn’t take pictures of their dessert!!
Loves the ice cream on waffle, chocolate fondue, and those exquisite desserts served in shots. Nice. =)
But one downside of it…THEY DON’T SERVE FREE FLOW DRINKS. It sucks to core and guess what… we were charged $48 for 4 glasses of fruit juices. PUKES!
Our bill added up to a great $215..and that’s after some dunno-what discount. T.T Over Mr GVM’s budget by 15 bucks. haha! But totally adores the fact that he has been spoiling me with all the great stuff! Guess we need to start eating hawker centre’s food for the coming months.
Last but not least…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MR GVM!
Another beloved item added to my collection!!! LOVE IT! Thankyew baby!