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My Profile


Torn apart between Libra and Scorpio, I cannot define my personality as well. I seem to be optimistic yet pessimistically emotional. I want to be the best yet might sometimes be too lazy to put in my best. Whatever that is, I guess my blog speaks better than myself.


I'm colouring

Chapters in my
colouring book

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
November 2010
January 2011
February 2011

Other colouring books

:: Hanwen ::
:: Weihui ::
:: Weixin ::
:: Qiuxin ::
:: Jianling ::
:: Shufen ::
:: Audrey ::
:: Tabletandpills ::
:: Kevin Wilson ::
:: LiQi :
:: Apple ::
:: Shifa ::
:: Almighty Ching ::



Tuesday, 25 September 2007

新手机,告别跟了我两年多的panasonic X800...

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 19:42

Saturday, 22 September 2007

I've been finding an answer to this question...for quite some time.

Like what you said...I've got very high expectations, and sometimes you find me very difficult to please..
Am I? maybe...
just that I've never noticed it.

I realised the guys I've met have never had enough time for me.
Study and work has taken up almost all of your time.
Perhaps it's libra characteristic to always think that 1 + 1 must equals to 2.
I expect to receive what I've given.

I always find myself a burden when people have to give up or do something because of me.
Since you have so little time even for yourself...
am I considered a burden?

I've never liked to watch movies with my boyfriends because...
there is already so little time to spend together,
isn't it a waste to spend 2 hours in the cinema, watching movies, and not be able to show a little more intimacy or I would say...even talk?

Is timing the major problem between us?
We met at the wrong timing, it's not the right time perhaps.

Or maybe is because I just have too much time therefore I feel lonely?
Or maybe I should pursue my master and you concentrate on your work and degree...
and we might meet up someday in the future...again?

I know that I should have chosen to speak these to you instead...but how do I open it up.
I've been trying to find an answer to this question...

maybe I'm just selfish...

I know I've never qualified as a good girlfriend.
You've told me I'm not your ideal type of girlfriend, and not many people actually got together with their ideal gf/bf...

I don't know about it.

Perhaps...It's not good to say the three words often. That's why I treasured that only sms.

Where are we heading? What's the future? Is there decelerating...when there's not much accelerating in the first place?

I love you.
Do you need me?
At least...give me a hint.

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 15:24


0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 11:56

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

That's the problem when you studied too hard. LOL~ You'll start to have expectations from yourself, and there...

In the end, I got demoralize when my friend sitting beside me said: "Lucky never study the readings...'cause also useless." Yes, I admit. hahaha I studied yet I don't know how to answer the question. I didn't manage the time well...so in the end...my last qns which will cost me 10 marks was crap.

I hate the feeling of post-examination, or I would call it post-test since it's a 20% mid term. Duhz so demoralizing...so disappointed with myself. But life goes on, ain't it...

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 09:11

Sunday, 16 September 2007

感觉好舒服啊!! =D

昨天乘着一丁点的时间而做了color rice cupcake...
下个星期有mid term test =( 读书读书~

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 11:23

Friday, 14 September 2007

Glamourlicious - The Vanity Fair returns to the NUS campus! The previous fair brought in Origins and Mac...This time round? Mac and Clinique!

Overwhelming response from the NUS arts students definitely make it all worthwhile for the merchandisers to sell their products in the campus?
Well...I'm not really sure what are the reasons for them to sell these products at extremely cheap prices. Angie and my mom were certain that these products are closing to their expiry dates. I certainly agree~~ haha although I really couldn't find the expiry dates on the products. If these products are of good quality then perhaps the only reason I could think of is publicity?

Of course, you always know how affluent some undergraduates can be...and sometimes these students can definitely help in the viral marketing - word-of-mouth =D hahaha Just like now I'm blogging about their products...right?

Here are the trophies I brought back from Glamourlicious: =D...I wanted to find out the retail price but it seems like...I couldn't find a clinique.com.SG!! haha

Clinique surge bare brilliance lipstick. Rose amber. Bought at SGD12. The retail price I can find is from clinique.com.tw...NT600...I supposed its around SGD28.

Clinique Derma White pore minimizing mousse foundation. SGD15. Retail price: NT1,200...supposed is SGD54.

=D This is the most satisfying bargain I brought back from the fair. LOL! Cause I especially love glittering shades! This can be used as both eye shadows and blushes...and don't you just find these white shades lovely and pure like angels? LOL! Crap~

I bought this at SGD20. And it was the last piece. Was deciding with my friend who should actually get this. lol! and my friend decided to give it up...so I took it! And I kinda find it really worthwhile! I couldn't find the retail price...anywhere...

Mac Technakohl liner...I can only get the greyprint..haha Don't know when it will come into use. Bought at SGD12...Not sure bout the retail price but somebody is putting it up in Yahoo auction at SGD27.

Ask me why I only bought one Mac eyeliner? Because I couldn't squeeze through the crowd surrounding the MAC stalls! hahaha The salesperson was shrieking for the crowd to move back because the tables were about to collapse! So just imagine that scenario~

I know I'm sounding abit too excited over this fair. Anyway...I spent around 59 bucks in total. So would you consider it cheap? haha damn cheap...

Yesterday was at the Turf city to accompany my parents to settle some of the documentations with regards to our new family car...and happened to pass by this antique car showroom. So Cool~

=( Gotta go back to study for my next week's mid term test~ Tomorrow accompanying Darling to his friend's birthday party. Such a busy week. =D

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 20:55

Monday, 10 September 2007

My body is deteriorating...
haha~ had an unusually crappy experience yesterday night.
I was referred to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital to ... 吊点滴。

I merely felt nausea and vomitted a few times. Then at night went to the clinic. Night consultation can really cost a bomb! The doctor says I was having very low blood pressure, thus the feeling of nausea...that's why he referred me to the hospital.

Crap the doctor is crap! $49 for a few sentences of consultation and a referral letter. He's crap!

Then went to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. $80. WTF~
I'm wasting so much money =( Felt so bad!

That bloody doctor says nothing much too. Just say...脱水...needs more glucose water I supposed. The syringe needle is like godamn long! They did a blood test to ensure that I'm not suffering from dengue fever.

Went home around 3am *cries* ...
I seriously miss darling~ but he's ill too. Went to the doc and took MC today...

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 17:46

Sunday, 9 September 2007

The weather is crazy. We are taking turns to fall sick.
I somehow suspect my fever was infected from Darling.
Then I was sure I would spread the germs back to him.

I was so right.

Darling is running fever...*again* I bet its the second...or third time for the past two months that he has fallen ill. Poor him. Lost appetite, lost weight and still has to go to work and study. =(

har! or am I a jinx?? I jinxed him. LOL~ I have to strengthen my immune system asap if not I might get the germs back from him again. haha! This is like so infectious! Beware! You people should get away from the two of us. We are so infected. Maybe we should be quarantined!

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 13:44

Thursday, 6 September 2007

It's been a busy and...strange week I would say.
I guess I'll start off from all the things that have happened since last thursday...

30 August 2007

A tiring day...returned home and started baking hotdog bread! I got the stupid recipe from a magazine! And I'm so darn sure that there's something wrong with the recipe because my dough is forever moist! It's either I've put too much water or my mixer is spoilt *which I seriously doubt so* And what the heck! I baked those stupid bread from like 6 plus in the evening till 12am! WAT THE HELL! But then again the result looks good. =D But the bread is a little too dry and hard.

What experience I've gained from baking the bread? Not very sure...It's in such a chaos...like hell.

Oh...and halfway while I was baking the bread...I received an unexpected call from yx. He called to ask why I deleted his friendster and blocked him on MSN. I would say...I'm not oblige to give him any explanation, but I did in the end. Told him I didn't want to know too much about his current life. The call was about 2 minutes long. I suppose...I have nothing much to say to him.

31 August 2007
I knew something was happening to my body. I felt the temperature rising. So hot...and then I understood why I felt so tired the whole Thursday afternoon. I got a fever in the middle of the night. I couldn't sleep well. I had to wake up for class at 6am in the morning. I merely slept for 3 hours and went to school. Totally tired and restless. Darling came to fetch me home after school. Yes...Fever...High fever. I thought I would faint halfway walking home.

Went to the doctor in the evening. 38.3 degree the doctor said. Woa...Is that suppose to be like...running a very high fever? I told darling he could have cooked an egg on my forehead.

Poor darling has to take care of me the whole day... I slept alot since I was on medication. What he did while I was sleeping?

Clean my room. =D

1 September 2007
Still having fever. Woke up... did some readings...Slept...Woke up again...and slept.

2 September 2007
Met up with my friends at Ang Mo Kio Big Mac center to rush for a presentation due on Wednesday. Still felt so weak. Darling came to fetch me home again. We had dinner at New York New York. Can somebody tell me if the candy floss is free of charge? Anyway I had baked spaghetti bolognese. But I was still sick...I almost freezed to death in the restaurant...*it was damn cold* and therefore, I couldn't remember the taste of that spaghetti. =(

3 September 2007
Homework, Presentation..And I think...my body is suffering from some maladjustment or whatever terms you call it. I couldn't sleep again! I took my antibiotics, which are supposed to make me feel drowsy...But I just couldn't go to sleep! and my "auntie" came visit me like right in the middle of the night? What's happening to my body???!! I'm having 8 hours class the next day and yet I only managed to get 3 hours sleep...*again?*

That night while I was struggling to make myself fall asleep...YX smsed me in the middle of the night.

YX: "I am sorry"
me: "To me? Why? What's over is over le."

YX: "I know. Sorry to disturb you so late."
me: "All the best. Enjoy your holiday. Take care."

YX: "I wrote blog also."
me: "Okay. Hope you, your family, and your ah ma stay healthy ya. 保重。"

YX: "its xxxxx.blogspot.com. Sunday was having steamboat...suddenly think of you. okay...you go sleep ba."

I didn't reply back. I have nothing much to say to him...as usual.

It's been a very chaotic, restless, unhealthy, strange...week.

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 19:07