Didn't realise it's been so long since I last blogged.
Life's been pretty tough on me.
I'm at a lost. It seems like things aren't going the way I want it to be afterall. I'm at a dilemma whether I should continue or not...
How I wish I can load off the burden and fly to a far away land...far far far far far away land.
A place where people are just as true as yourself.
A place where there is no lies, no sorrow, no tear.
A place where time is lost.
Guess life's pretty bad when you are so stressed up and not happy with it, yet you don't know why you let it be in this way and you have nothing to do about it.
Anyways, yesterday was our 3rd month anniversary! He never fails to give me surprises to show me how much I'm being loved.

Pls allow me to share this melancholically romantic poem by Ludwig Van Beethoven (also the poem made renowned by Sex and the City)
Even in my bed my ideas yearn towards you,
my Immortal Beloved, here and there joyfully,
then again sadly, awaiting from Fate, whether it will listen to us.
I can only live, either altogether with you or not at all.
Yes, I have determined to wander about for so long far away, until I can fly into your arms and call myself quite at home with you, can send my soul enveloped by yours into the realm of spirits - yes, I regret, it must be.
You will get over it all the more as you know my faithfulness to you;
never another one can own my heart, never - never!
O God, why must one go away from what one loves so, and yet my life in W, as it is now is a miserable life. Your life made me the happiest and unhappiest at the same time. At my actual age I should need some continuity, sameness of life - can that exist under our circumstances? Angel, I just hear that the post goes out every day - and must close therefore, so that you get the L, at once. Be calm - love me -to-day-yesterday.
What longing in teears for you - You - my Life - my All - farewell. O go on loving me - never doubt the faithfullest heart.
Of your beloved
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.
But seems like Mr. GVM has decided to then write a totally original poem copyrighted and credited to himself. Especially for me =)
3 months ago, I nv tot this would be.
To have fallen for someone so different from me.
3 months on still these feelings grow strong.
And I hope this forever goes on.
A love I tot I'd never find...
Am I lucky? Could be love is blind.
The past 3 months I cherish every moment with you
The simple reason is because I love you.