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My Profile


Torn apart between Libra and Scorpio, I cannot define my personality as well. I seem to be optimistic yet pessimistically emotional. I want to be the best yet might sometimes be too lazy to put in my best. Whatever that is, I guess my blog speaks better than myself.


I'm colouring

Chapters in my
colouring book

February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
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August 2009
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December 2009
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February 2010
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January 2011
February 2011

Other colouring books

:: Hanwen ::
:: Weihui ::
:: Weixin ::
:: Qiuxin ::
:: Jianling ::
:: Shufen ::
:: Audrey ::
:: Tabletandpills ::
:: Kevin Wilson ::
:: LiQi :
:: Apple ::
:: Shifa ::
:: Almighty Ching ::



Friday, 30 January 2009

Bonus at Sentosa is not just about the profits

Yes, it's not just about the money. As a leisure destination, even when we have to entertain ourselves while trying hard to earn our bonus. As a staff at the island resort, we need to in fact fulfill a few requirements:

1) Do the "Clap and Cheer" - Yes, you didn't read it wrongly. Remember the clap and cheer competition which I've written few months back? Go check the archive. We have to learn the champion's cheer. And their cheer is like suppppperrrr ubbbeerrrr happening. I thought if I'm doing it solo, I shouldn't do the original version. I will look retarded. So I'm going to try and do the hip hop version instead. hehehe

2) Do any 2 skills:

- Hand painting: I heard that this includes drawing our Oscar from Songs of the Sea...well...actually I'm good at drawing Spongebob...will it do?

- Magic tricks: Yep!! I'm in!

- Greetings in 5 different languages: I always thought I'm a lingo expert. HAHAHA! I've already chosen the langs I'll be doing.

German: "Wilkkomen in Sentosa. Villay Spais"

Malay: "Selamat datang ke Sentosa. Semoga lawatan anda menyeronnokkan"...hehehe! dunno how to spell lar..something like that. I thought MR. GVM could have helped me at this...psst...he took malay as a second language and got an F9, along with his twin, that caused his sch to have a 99.9% passes in Malay for that particular year. Har!

JApanese: "Youkosou Sentosa. Tanoshinde kudasai."

Thai: "Yin dee torn rup su Sentosa. din dang hang kwam ma hat sat jan" hahaha! I anyhow say one the last part...cannot remember lar.

Korean: "sentosa e osin gosul hwan young ham ni da. juguon sigan desip sio."

and cantonese~! : "Foon ying lei dou seng tou sa. hei mong lei hui wan tak hoi sum."

Actually that makes it 6. hahaha but remember I'm a lingo expert ma... =P

- Balloon sculpting...boring. All I know is that parrot, a poodle and "once-in-a-blue-moon-i-might-succeed" flower...

3) Service Quality quiz...wa this one dunno what is it lai de. NEed to figure it out.

I hope after putting myself through all these...the bonus is still worth it after all! *fingers crossed*

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 23:40

Sunday, 25 January 2009

The past few weeks have been quite happening.

We had a fun night celebrating Jiahui's birthday. Thanks for the zi char dinner! And we played that crazy russian roulette shot game. One thing I learnt from it was to be nice to your friends...lol~ I thought i'm a genius to have mixed guava, vodka and orange together. Later to know that I was the one to drink it...haha sadness.

And I'm actually working hard towards my 2009 new year resolution! woots!

Let's recap:

1. Travel on the airplane
2. Watch a musical at the Esplanade
3. Find a job that I love
4. To be loved
5. To love
6. To lose 3 KGs in weight
7. Visit the museum
8. Spend 2 hours night time looking at the stars
9. To attend a wedding
10. To enter a competition
11. To do a charity
12. To try a new recipe
13. To attend a party!
14. To finish reading 2 novels
I actually wanted to go some other museum, but Images of Singapore is like just right at my doorstep. So I went there for a visit with my colleagues during lunchtime...

I thought I saw something creepy in the mirror at the back of the 3rd picture. Let's not take our imagination too far. Anyway, the visit was a freaky yet hilarious one. haha. I scared the shit out of myself man~

So I'll be busy working on my next resolution! To try a new recipe! I hope I can do something decent this Valentine's Day! =)

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 15:13

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Had a terrible menstrual cramp just now. It's been few months since I've felt this way. Arghs. can die. Don't know if chocolate tensifies pain.

Anyway I went to Chinatown yesterday with Gary and bought a cheong sam for this Chinese New Year plus D and D. Though I've still not really decided if I should wear that during D and D because it's like so super common that every girl is gonna wear a cheong sam.

In fact, I had like so much research about the modern cheong sam. Those with super high slit or have a super revealing bare back. I heart them. I know Far East Plaza had lot of those but I thought maybe Chinatown would be a much better place after all. In the end, yes they did have alot of bareback cheong sams too. But I don't know why the cutting just doesnt show my figure. It makes me look like a pregnant lady! All their S size looks super baggy can! I tried like 3-4 pieces and they all look super ugly on me.

I had 2 very simple requirements when I know that I am going to get a Cheong Sam.

1) Must be bareback

2) Not black

In the end, when I'm about to give up the whole Cheong Sam thing and decided that I should just save up the money because a Cheong Sam can simply costs at least 50 bucks. Then the lady gave me the most conventional black Cheong Sam, all covered up. Since I'm already in the dressing room so I thought no harm to give it a try. In the end...I thought it fits me the most. The cutting is just right. It's not super tight that shows my tummy and yet it fits me well to show my curveuos figure. HEHEHE.

But they said it's the last piece and the buttons are super loose. I was deciding if I should really spend $49 on a piece of Cheong Sam that might have been tried by alot of people and I still need to pay for replacement with new buttons.

Then I bargained, the lady only willing to offer it at $47. I'm still deciding...and in the end, she said that perhaps she could go in and try finding if there's another piece again. Yes, I knew it. They are just unwilling to sell out a new piece. They want me to use that $47 to buy a piece that could have been tried by so many people already. You know this is so filthy cheat. Cheong Sam should be sold in brand new piece cause fat people will always try to squeeze in a tiny weeny cheong sam and damage them.

Okay I'm not trying to be mean here, I am referring to really Obese people! anyway, so they gave me a new piece, although the buttons are still loose, I would rather pay for a new piece still in the plastic right. So in the end, I've got myself a new cheong sam.

But $47 for a cheong sam that could be worn only once or twice is like so waste of money.
=( Every now and then, I keep thinking when can I wear it again. Like alternate days for 初一 to 正月十五? LOL! that makes it 8 times. hahaha

Then maybe another time at a wedding dinner? Makes it 9.

Oh oh and Gary suggested Halloween...that makes it 10. duh.

I shall totally dig Maggie cheung's style. In the mood for love. =) But how many wax should I use to get that kind of curry puff hair. mmmm

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 18:19

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Hire more smart people for customer service pls!

Generally, the front line people are often not as highly educated and highly paid. Please pardon me if I've offended any one, but I don't understand why most of the companies don't train their customer service people.

I had this SUPER UTTERLY bad experience with this customer service girl from STARHUB!

Okay, let me start off with why I have to call Starhub. I had my SCV channel 48 not working as there is an error prompt that signal cannot be found. Obviously, to pay for a channel where the signal cannot be found for quite some weeks, I don't see why I should continue to pay for that channel even tho it's considered in the value pack.

So I called up Starhub and I opted for the chinese service cause I thought speaking in chinese wrt all the chinese channels will be a smarter choice. So after a few dials and transferring of lines, I got thru this girl....WHO OBVIOUSLY IS A MALAY AND CAN'T SPEAK CHINESE. Initially, I wanted to question this, WHY IN THE WORLD IS A MALAY PICKING UP MY CALL WHEN I'VE OPTED FOR THE CHINESE SERVICE....LIKE HARLOW! Does it even make sense?
Anyway, this is not the main problem. Then I told her what's the problem and she said...can I have your ic number for verification?

I always know that our SCV is under my mom's name so after telling her all the details she needed...she said...

"Sorry but I can't track this account"

"What do you mean? We have always had the subscription and you said we don't have an account?"

so after some stupid arguments, she FINALLY managed to track our account. So she tried to solve my problem by refreshing some connection on her side and requested for me to switch on and off my set top box. After a few tries, it didn't work.

So I insist that I want to swap channel and asked her for a channel that used to be in the value pack and that I can swap it with.

She said, "Sorry ma'am. We can't swap it for you. There is no value pack currently. If you wanna remove this channel, we will have to charge at an ala-carte cost. and the value pack will end on 12 Feb."

1) I don't want to remove the channel, I want to have it swap.

2) If you can't swap it for me, then am I going to waste my money on a channel that has no signal?!

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT. I was so angry and I insisted, I want to swap a channel and let me know what other channel can I choose from! Cause I clearly know that back then with my value pack I have other channels to choose from, so I'm paying the same money why can't you let me swap!

Okay if you are saying this value pack no longer exists and okay I don't mind having the signal of that channel back again.

"You will have to call our technical person to troubleshoot for you."

SORRY, I took so long to talk so much to you and in the end that's all you can tell me?! FUCK U. U STUPID GIRL. U STUPID MORON. HAVE YOU NOT BROUGHT YOUR BRAIN TO WORK?

so I told her OKAY THANK YOU SO MUCH AND HUNG UP THE PHONE even without finishing that call. I hate morons.

so in the end, instead of calling a person to troubleshoot, I tried to call up the customer service yet again and hope it's not the same person I've to deal with.

In the end, I GOT MY CHANNEL SWAP. SO NOW I HAVE TWO CHINESE MOVIES CHANNEL AT THE SAME PRICE. like harlow!! that lady even said that I have no contract and I have the rights to swap channel as there is no signal found. So I manage to get a new channel within like 10 mins...TADA!


Anyway just some random picture of my dinner. hahaha...I think it's like a feast cause all my fav food from chong pang market.

Tomorrow SHALL BE THE BATTLE ROYALE: the clash between two royal teams. =(.....

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 23:15

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Inspired by "The Bucket List" movie. I thought that my 2009 new year resolution should be off from the: I want earn more money, I want a highly paid job, I want to buy more Tiffany rings, a chanel clutch bag etc....hah~ I thought I should keep it more abstract and therefore, higher chance of completing my resolutions for the year anyways. *Perhaps some of you might have noticed the yahoo report saying that resolutions could be bad since it demoralises people when they are not able to achieve it.

=D Nonetheless, still can't help but put in one or two commonly-wished-for items:

1. Travel on the airplane

2. Watch a musical at the Esplanade

3. Find a job that I love

4. To be loved

5. To love

6. To lose 3 KGs in weight

7. Visit the museum

8. Spend 2 hours night time looking at the stars

9. To attend a wedding

10. To enter a competition

11. To do a charity

12. To try a new recipe

13. To attend a party!

14. To finish reading 2 novels

Well, I guess it's about forcing myself to do things that I've been procrastinating to kickstart with. kekekez. Alrighteys then. Happy 2009!

0 friends commented | I coloured my life at 12:54